Understanding EPT
Emotional Polarity Technique is an empowering therapy that allows for clarity and emotional healing. This highly effective emotional health technology was designed to gently eliminate/minimize both physical and emotional issues, by transforming the human biofield and removing the negative emotional patterns that precipitate the problem.
EPT integrates all three energy systems for a holistic approach to healing. First we find the issue, by locating it's origin in the subconscious through muscle testing (kinesiology) and deductive reasoning. Next we fix it, by balancing the brain, body and biofield, through the use of magnets. This is done while the origin of the issue is at a conscious level. Finally, we release it by opening the heart chakra with forgiveness, which allows the client to work towards letting go of the limited belief that no longer serves them.
EPT integrates all three energy systems for a holistic approach to healing. First we find the issue, by locating it's origin in the subconscious through muscle testing (kinesiology) and deductive reasoning. Next we fix it, by balancing the brain, body and biofield, through the use of magnets. This is done while the origin of the issue is at a conscious level. Finally, we release it by opening the heart chakra with forgiveness, which allows the client to work towards letting go of the limited belief that no longer serves them.
Why does it work?
EPT reveals what the mind conceals. Your physical body is influenced by your mental thoughts, words, feelings, and emotions. All of this information is stored at a cellular level, beginning in utero to present time. Our bodies are equipped to deal with stress that surrounds us in our daily life and tends to store these emotions in our organs and muscles, which can lead to all sorts of unhealthy responses, such as depression and unexplained chronic pain.
When EPT is utilized, we gain an understanding as to why we react the way we do, as well as, why we respond to similar situations repeatedly in the same way. Understanding and releasing negative emotions helps us move away from being "stuck" in these relentless patterns and shift into unlocking our greatest potential. This process puts us back into alignment with a sense of peace and well bein
When EPT is utilized, we gain an understanding as to why we react the way we do, as well as, why we respond to similar situations repeatedly in the same way. Understanding and releasing negative emotions helps us move away from being "stuck" in these relentless patterns and shift into unlocking our greatest potential. This process puts us back into alignment with a sense of peace and well bein
- Heal relationships
- Eliminate depression
- Release past traumas: death, divorce, abuse, infidelity, adoption
- Ease grief + loss
- Gain awareness of patterns
- Conquer stress, overwhelm + anger
- Experience pain relief: emotional + physical
- Transform habits such as addictions + substance abuse
- Experience forgiveness, self acceptance and self love
- Conquer fears + phobias
- Conquer anxiety + panic
- Eliminate self sabotage
- Conquer shame + humiliation
- Identify entitlement
- Heal hopelessness
- Release guilt
- Lift depression
- Remove blocks to transform your life + business
- Reclaim sovereignty over your life
copyright regina viars 2011- 2019